Attn: Innovative, Spiritually-Minded, Entrepreneurial, Thought-Leader...
Do you want a life you are pumped about?
How would those you're meant to serve feel about that?
Would you like to:
- Do something meaningful with your life?
- Be part of an amazing team?
- Fulfill your purpose joyfully?
- Achieve your goals confidently?
- Develop awesome friendships along the way?
- Determine your distinction that gets you paid?
- Make more than enough money?
- Discover the power to overcome any adversity?
- Get more and more in alignment with your assignment?
Many many people are living a dull and boring life. Most people fail to get their needs for love and contribution met. Why? BECAUSE they don’t know how to create their desired realities. Would you like to be one of the few who know how to bring heaven to earth?
From: CJ Wit
RE: Personal and Professional Development
Dear Aspiring Leader,
If you want to fulfill your purpose, bring to pass your vision and accomplish your mission, then this is the most important letter (i.e. communication) you'll read all year!
Here's why...
Because you're faced with very serious life directing crossroads and it's imperative that you continually expand your capacity to make better decisions faster!
"In just one session with CJ he equipped me to massively upgrade the entire trajectory of my business."
- Abinhav Shrivastava, Founder of
CJ – Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for the impact you’ve had on my life and my start up. Your ability to listen, draw out the critical issue and respond with amazing suggestions and resources has been priceless. We definitely wouldn’t be where we are without your help. I’m looking forward to more great projects in the future.
- Brent Bishop, Founder & President of
Our time spent together is neither rushed nor is it wandering, rather it's a measured step-by-step progression of effective and efficient interaction. He consistently over-delivers on my expectations and each consultation builds on the last. I feel like CJ is personally involved in my success. I feel like I am more than a client and a responsibility to CJ… I feel like a partner.
- Jay Cline, Overseer, CRU, Arizona
My Promise To You...
IF you .... sign up for Awareness Academy's All-Access Pass and go through the courses and apply the insights to your life...
THEN you will experience at least 3X more value (at a minimum) than the money spent.
So in the first 30 days if you're not completely satisfied, I'll give you 100% of you money back for any reason whatsoever.
Here's how and why I can make you this promise that..."this is the most important letter (i.e. communication) you'll read all year!" Well you see my my name is CJ Wit and my expertise is in decision making specifically as it relates to expanding you capacity to create your desired reality.
"The only thing that keeps you from all you're meant to be, do and have is an inability to make better decisions faster."
Your Instructor
I'm a Treasure Hunter. You may ask, "What is the treasure you seek?" The treasures I seek are the embers in the hearts of those who dream. I look for those who want those embers fanned into a raging fire.
CJ Wit, Founder, Awareness Academy
Sign Up for the All-Access Pass and go through the courses, and from here on out you'll experience the wonderful world of expanding your capacity to create your desired reality. You'll forever be more decisive in a way that helps you advance that which is in alignment with the greater good.
"After studying over 500 millionaires, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Charles M. Schwab, journalist and author Napoleon Hill found that they shared a single quality: decisiveness." (Source: Business Insider).
Sign Me Up!
Sign Me Up!
Here's What You Get In Your All Access Pass.
Welcome to Awareness Academy where we're all about a deep dive into helping you create your desired reality via 22 courses in...
The 7 Areas of Life:
1. Spiritual
2. Physical
3. Relational
4. Educational
5. Financial
6. Professional
7. Emotional
Awareness Academy's All-Access Pass is going to give you everything you need to navigate your critical decisions in the 7 Areas of Life successfully!
#1. The Listener's Edge
[How To Get Unfair Advantage In Life, While Helping Others Feel Profoundly Understood.]
$497 Value
#2. The Art of Decision Making
[How To Make Better Decisions Faster.]
$397 Value
#3. Imagination Station
[The Only Thing That Creates Reality Is... Imagination.]
$597 Value
These first 3 courses are prerequisites for the rest of the courses because they are so fundamental, so foundational to getting the most out of all the other courses and life itself.
Do you want:
- Power to overcome adversity?
- Full control of your attitude day and night?
- A life worthy of reward?
If so then, just remember that...
#4. The 12 Questions Of Mankind
[How To Make Sense Of The 12 Most Pressing Questions Of Mankind... FAST]
$197 Value
#5. Discover Your True Identity
[How To Be Your Authentic, Joyful Victorious Self... Without Fear]
$47 Value
Do you want:
- Way more energy?
- To attract a healthy mate?
- A body that gets you through adversity and to your destiny?
#6. The A.W.A.R.E.N.E.S.S. Workshop
[A Complete Overview Of The 9 Keys To Vibrant Health]
$1,997 Value
Do you want:
- To get past relational frustrations with ease?
- Awesome relationships, both personally and professionally?
- Love so full that nothing ruffles you?
If so then, just remember that...
Courses In Your All Access Pass Include:
#7. Confident Connector
[Connect With The Right People In The Right Way, So You Can Make Progress Everyday.]
$1,997 Value
#8. Faithfulness Factor
[How To Establish And Sustain Deeper, Longer-lasting, More Fulfilling Relationships]
$397 Value
#9. Premarital Advice
[How To Manage Relational Expectations To Ensure A Great Marriage]
$97 Value
#10. The Dynamic Man
[The 7 Secrets Of How To Attract, Magnify and Honor Feminine Beauty]
$397 Value
#11. Relational Game Changer
[Lean How To More Fully Experience And Express An UNFAILING Love]
$297 Value
Do you want:
- Crush boredom, with 100% directly applicable training for your life now?
- Burst with excitement over what you're learning?
- Systematic instruction to harness the powers within you for your superhero life?
If so then, just remember that...
#12. The Goal Achiever Method
[3-Step Goal Achieving System]
$97 Value
#13. Determine Your Distinction
[The ONLY Thing People Buy Is Distinction.]
$1,997 Value
Do you want:
- To escape the 9-5 rat race and master debt instead of being mastered by it?
- Financial independence that moves you into financial freedom?
- To ditch worry all together because of your confident ability to make it all back quickly, if you lost it all?
#14. Productivity That Pays [Become Super Productive In 4 Simple Steps That Apply To Everything You Do And That Will Stick With You For The Rest Of Your Life]
$97 Value
#15. The 12 Prerequisite Business Questions [Virtually Everything You Do In Business Is INCONSEQUENTIAL IF You're Not Yet Clear On These 12 Q's]
$27 Value
#16. Find Your Financial Sweet Spot
[How To Create Wealth]
$97 Value
#17. The 7 Funds System
[How To Master Your Money]
$147 Value
Do you want to:
- Do what you're meant to do?
- Get paid to do what you love?
- Experience recognition and honor for being able to solve certain problems as only you can?
#18. How To Get Paid To Do What You Love
[Vocation. Profession. Occupation.]
$297 Value
#19. Entrepreneurial Elevation
[How To Make The Invisible Visible]
$47 Value
#20. Master Your Message
[How To Discover, Develop, and Deliver Your Clear, Captivating, and Compelling Message]
$2,997 Value
#21. The Closer's Code
[How To Attract Contributors Without... Wasting Anyone's Time.]
$1,997 Value
Do you want to:
- Control your emotional state?
- Be in perfect peace and deep joy continually?
- Get into that place called "The Zone"... at will [That delicious, immersive, place where anything is possible... That super-productive state that's creative, purposeful and powerful... that place of bliss where time stands still... where outcomes are achieved... and where out of this world memories are made.]?
#22. Emotional Mastery
[Uncover The Secrets Of Staying In A State Of Perfect Peace And Joy]
$297 Value
So Here's The Bottom Line With Awareness Academy's All-Access Pass... In Sum:
You get all 22 courses + 4 bonuses that will walk you step-by-step through How to Increase Your Capacity To Create Your Desired Reality in each of the 7 Areas of Life, the entire process from start to finish. You get all the insiders-only instructions on how to create your desired realities both personally and professionally. And you'll get access to like-minded individuals to help you move forward faster in a way that helps you develop awesome friendships along the way.
You get all of this for only $97 month...
Let Me Sweeten The Pot For You Even More With These Instant Bonuses For Acting Now...
You also get: The Life Blueprint, The Mission Blueprint, and The Business Blueprint so you'll be set on every step of your path.
#1. Your Life Blueprint
[A Simple, yet thorough, 3-step process to increase your INFLUENCE... at will.]
$1,497 Value
This is the result of over 28 years of research in personal development. It's the only Blueprint for personal development you'll ever need. I confidently predict any other personal development blueprint, book, video, training etc. will find itself being subjugated to the comprehensiveness and elegant simplicity of this blueprint. This can and I believe will serve as a life long tool for understanding the inner game of excellence like no one else, in a way that equips you to excel anywhere.
#2. Your Mission Blueprint
[A simple, yet thorough, 3-step process to increase your IMPACT... at will.]
$147 Value
This Mission Blueprint is simple and powerful. It can be indispensable in the process of identifying and narrowing in on your life's desired impact. And then it can be used to help you win, influence and hold ground for righteousness sake in our culture, in this and coming generations.
#3. Your Business Blueprint
[A Simple, yet thorough, 3-step process to increase your INCOME... at will.]
$2,497 Value
This Business Blueprint is comprehensive and simple, so much so that it can be used to train an entire country not only the fundamentals of business, but the advanced strategies and tactics too. This will give you and your team a business common language right out of the gate. It will make it easier for you to get in rock solid agreements from day one and it will help you understand how all the components of business fit and work together. You'll learn about the "4 Marketing Actions", "The 7 Processes of Wealth" and "The Only 5 Ways To Increase The Profits and Wealth Of Any Business.''
#4. The Awareness Academy Private FB Group.
[Connect with like-minded peers, in a collaborative way.]
$197 Value
As you can see, these bonuses have a total value of $4,338 but they're yours as a FREE added bonus when you act now!
UPSELL (Optional)
Instead of popping this additional high value offer on you once you're in the process of registering for the All-Access Pass, I thought, "Let me just mention it here." as a preview.
This is a One Time Offer. Inside the membership site it will be available for $497 (price will likely go up over time). I'm making this available here as a One Time Offer, as a reward for fast action takers, as a reward for being decisive for a lower barrier of entry... $197. Check out the details below.
Connect Personally
[Apply for a Clarity Call to explore if Friendtoring, Mentoring, and/or a Masterminding type of relationship might be a fit.]
$197 Value [Potentially Priceless]
When you purchase Awareness Academy's All-Access pass right now, you'll want to schedule a Clarity Call with me or one of my team.
This is an opportunity to have a conversation to help you:
- CLARIFY where you're at
- CRYSTALIZE the vision of where you want to be and we'll help you on the call to identify any roadblocks; constraints; bottlenecks and deal with them on the spot, so you can
- CROSS the gap to your clear mental image of a preferable future.
After you register for this (1 hour) Clarity Call you'll receive Questionnaire, basically my asking questions of you in advance so I can get to know you before the call and prepare to bring you massive value. Once the Questionnaire is filled in and sent back we then schedule the call. We may talk briefly about the worksheet just so you have clarity on what's being asked of you to prepare for your Clarity Call.
My aim is to demonstrate that I/we can help you by just flat out helping you on the call. At the end of the call we aim to have gone through a collaborative consultation to come up with a rock solid plan to get you from A to Z that you're stoked about. You can implement it on your own, which is totally cool, or if it makes sense to both of us, we can explore the possibilities of what a continued relationship could look like via either:
friendtoring, mentoring and/or masterminding.
Sign Me Up!
Our Distinction
Tap into our 28+ years of experience in the Personal and Professional Development Market.
Our courses are the result of much diligent research to cover a topic in the broadest sense and then to distill it down to it’s most fundamental parts to help you know exactly:
- What to do so you're not wasting your time.
- How to execute on your plan easily and quickly.
- How to get personal attention to your questions.
- How to get to action faster (buy minimizing the amount of research you need to do).
We teach that God is the Creator. He created our backs, so we trust he's got our back. We are created in his image. He has given us abilities to advance his causes. We are grateful. We like to give honor to where honor is due. We honor our Creator as a personal not impersonal. We teach the Way of salvation, the Truth that sets you free and The Life that resurrects.
We value unity, yet not at the cost of truth. We are stoked about God and how he made us to create. And we have good news to share and it’s a pleasure and an honor to do so.
A Friendtor is a friend who is a mentor. So "Friendtoring" is the process of two or more friends who agree to mentor each other. We match students who show potential for friendtoring. Many people come to Awareness Academy primarily for this. The education helps us to be like-minded. The friendtoring helps us get stuff done way faster, by leveraging the strengths of others where we are weak.
"Mentoring" is a focused 1-on-1 trusted advisor relationship, wherein the more experienced helps the less experienced get forward faster via regular or periodic meetings.
When two or more gather together in the name of Truth, Truth that can set you free is in the midst of them. We coordinate knowledge, expertise and the effort of two or more people, who work harmoniously from a definite common purpose.
We eat, sleep and breathe The Creation Of Desired Realities. We love helping you Conceive, Set and Achieve your goals through educating… mentoring, friendtoring and masterminding. We are committed to your success! Why? All of creation groans in eager expectation of you entering into the fullness of: who you are meant to be, the impact of what you're meant to do and the glory of what you're meant to attain.
We are committed to creating a cutting-edge, collaborative culture of world changers...
where we all agree to sow good seed,
when we notice that:
Vice Exists... We Sow Virtue
Corruption Exists... We Sow Right Living
Darkness Exists... We Sow Light
Dishonesty Exists... We Sow Honesty
Lies Exist Exists... We Sow Truth
Cursing Exist... We Sow Blessing
Complaint Exists... We Sow Gratitude
Evil Exists... We Sow That Which Is Good
Dishonor Exists... We Sow Curiosity
Boredom Exists... We Sow Adventure
Frequently Asked Questions
Let's Wrap This Up...
Here's a recap of what you're going to get in your All-Access Pass. You get everything.
#1. The Listener's Edge
$497 Value
#2. The Art of Decision Making
$397 Value
#3. Imagination Station
$597 Value
#4. The 12 Questions of Mankind
$197 Value
#5. Discover your True Identity
$47 Value
#6. The A.W.A.R.E.N.E.S.S. Workshop
$1,997 Value
#7. Confident Connector
$1,997 Value
#8. Faithfulness Factor
$397 Value
#9. Premarital Advice
$97 Value
#10. The Dynamic Man
$397 Value
#11. Relational Game Changer
$297 Value
#12. The Goal Achievers Method
$97 Value
#13. Determine Your Distinction
$1,997 Value
#14. Your Life Blueprint
$1,497 Value
#15. Productivity That Pays
$97 Value
#16. The 12 Prerequisite Business Questions
$27 Value
#17. Find Your Financial Sweet Spot
$97 Value
#18. The 7 Funds System
$147 Value
#19. How To Get Paid To Do What You Love
$297 Value
#20. Entrepreneurial Elevation
$147 Value
#21. Master Your Message
$2,997 Value
#22. The Closer's Code
$1,997 Value
#23. Emotional Mastery
#1. The Awareness Academy Private FB Group
$197 Value
#2. Connect Personally
$297 Value [Potentially Priceless]
#3. Your Life Blueprint
$1,497 Value
#4. Your Mission Blueprint
$147 Value
#5. Your Business Blueprint
$2,497 Value
$19,625 Total Value
Yet it's yours for ONLY $97 mo.
"CJ I just want to say, In our very first session you gave me a solid tagline and helped revamp my business trajectory for massive growth. Impressive! Thanks.'"
- Heidi Teeters, Founder,
"Having weekly access to someone who believes in me and my vision and the intent behind it, is very valuable to me. I appreciate you CJ."
- David Reynolds, Founder of Fast Forward Freedom
"CJ Rocks. Awareness Academy's content is Wow!"
- Randy Shepard, Co-Founder,
Life is too short to be P.O.O.R
[Passing Over Opportunities Regularly.]
What's The Cost of Inaction:
- You'll miss the opportunity how Awareness Academy can help you get way ahead of the game of life.
- You'll miss out on all critical insights of what school failed to teach most of us. We all should have been taught this stuff long ago.
- Inaction may mean a 9-5 might be the best deal for you long-term. Or working several jobs.
- Your competitors may very well crush you because you haven't discovered your distinction as well as you can.
- Without what Awareness Academy offers you'll very likely take much longer to make the impact you'd like to. I'd hate for you to miss your calling all together. It does happen. Awareness Academy is here to help prevent that.
I genuinely don't know where I would send you to find a better fast track to life abundantly as an innovative, spiritually-minded, entrepreneurial thought-leader.
I'm here to help you:
- Break you free from endless possibilities into actualities.
- Crush the head of the snake called “Analysis-of-Paralysis” that strangles the speed of your implementation.
- Silence the fear and amplify your faith.
- Breakthrough into massive guaranteed, fulfilling, productivity both personally and professionally
"CJ is my go to guy when I need to make an important decision and even more so when I find myself stuck in a pattern of indecision."
- Michal Stawicki, The Author's Coach
"CJ you helped me understand my clients on a much deeper level and now they stay longer. Thanks!!!"
- Tibi Murariu, Founder, Change Agent Lab
CJ's strategic help with launching my company was very helpful.
- Caleb White, Founder, WedTexts
Every minute you wait to join is another minute you are not as equipped for creating your desired reality as you could be. And it's another minute you're not as decisive as you will be. And indecision means missed opportunities. And now is no time to be P.O.O.R (Passing Over Opportunities Regularly.)
Most people either never consider these things or their preparation is too late to take advantage of major opportunities that come their way.
"There is only one reason startups fail, that's because the founder gives up." (Adeo Ressi CEO of The Founder Institute.) Awareness Academy exists in part to build within founder types the "Stick-to-itiveness" needed for success.
Billionaire Bill Bartman was asked by one of his students, "How can I become a billionaire?" Bill's answer... "That's simple. It's three steps.
1. Know exactly what you want.
2. Know what you are willing to give up.
3. Take action!"
Awareness Academy helps you know exactly:
- What you want
- What you're willing to give up
- What to take action on
When you upgrade your ability to Create Your Desired Reality...
Think how good you'll feel about yourself when you successfully tap into...
The Favor Factor, which is what I call the experience of relationships, resources and results emerging from unexpected places to bring your dreams to reality.
When you're able more fully envision your future and pull it into today sooner, getting past the resistance like a hot knife through butter, think about all the extra energy you'll have to allocate to whatever you wish.
Hear yourself answering your friends questions about how you accomplished your goals and see yourself helping them accomplish their goals too.
There's Never Been A Better Time For Leaders Who Want To Win, Influence And Hold Ground In Our Culture!
Be a part of the revelation of the leaders all of creation groans in eager expectation for.
The online world is just beginning. Everyone is on their smart phone. Be heard by showing up where people are paying
Your were born to convey a life transforming message.
Have you ever thought of writing a book, leading a tribe, speaking, leading, influencing? We're here to help.
Consider this your call.
Wherever you are on your journey. We are here to help move you forward faster, with a proper presentation and a growing army of like-minded encouragers, who want to root for you.
Awareness Academy helps you make it happen.
You can increase your influence, impact and income by leading online. Join Awareness Academy to get the tools, resources, confidence and connections to discover, develop and deliver your life transforming message online, so as to set yourself up for success off line in the live interactive world.
Who Is Awareness Academy Designed For?
Let's be real: Not everyone is into doing what it takes to consciously create their desired reality. Awareness Academy isn't for everyone. Here's how to figure out if it's right for you.
- You want to learn everything there is to know about Creating Your Desired Reality as fast as possible.
- You want lifetime access to Awareness Academy content and any and all updates.
- You want to be able to connect easily with like-minded individuals.
- You want to easily train yourself and the others in your group, your family, your company, your school and/or your team to manifest their desired realities in their personal and professional life.
- You want more intimacy, influence, impact and income from every decision you and your team make.
- You wanna help yourself and those you care about understand how to tap into an unending stream of unfair advantage in life.
- You want to drastically shorten your learning curve and increase your speed of implementation in your personal and professional life.
- You want to demonstrate your decision making mastery in each of the 7 Areas of Your Life not only for your own satisfaction, but to increase your credibility as a leader.
- You have time to teach yourself through trial and error in order to save money.
- You are comfortable keeping up with changes in The 7 Areas of Life on your own.
- You've already mastered a process for creating desired realities that you're perfectly happy with.
- You neither need, want, nor expect more intimacy, influence, impact nor income from you and your teammates.
- You and your team already have a virtually perfect decision making process. You make stellar decisions in each of The 7 Areas of Life most all the time.
- You have a personal and professional life that serves as evidence to prove that you've mastered creating your desired realities in each of the 7 Areas of your Life.
Sign Me Up!
100% Better-Than-Risk-Free Guarantee
I want to take on 100% of the risk here.
You have nothing to lose, because you can make use of our...
100% Better-Than-Risk-Free Guarantee
AFTER enrolling in Awareness Academy's Via The All-Access Pass...
IF you're not completely delighted to be with us, learning how to create your desired reality.
IF you don’t enjoy results better than the money paid.
IF after every effort to satisfy you has been made, and you are not completely satisfied, you’ll get 100% of your money back, on the spot, guaranteed, with no hard feelings.
If "Awareness Academy's All-Access Pass" doesn't show you exactly how to fulfill your purpose... if it doesn't take you by the hand, step-by-step to help you to bring to pass your vision ... or if it fails to help you accomplish your mission, then you understand that you will receive a full refund upon request,
As you can see all the risk is squarely on my shoulders. The way I see it, there's no way you can lose.
And What do I mean by “Better Than Risk Free”? I mean that whatever you’ve downloaded in your first 30 days, you can keep, use, apply it to your life, reap the benefits of it. And for your trouble, you can keep ANYTHING you download while you're a member... keep it as a gift. As my “Thank You" for your time, energy and attention.
I know your time, energy and attention is very valuable, so valuable I call it priceless. That you're here reading my words makes me feel honored, thankful and humbled. As Ben Franklin said, “Time is the stuff life is made of”. And that’s precisely why I created, founded, designed Awareness Academy, Because... Life is short and our eternity rides on how we do here, and now. So we must redeem the time and make the most of the time we have.
I wanna make this experience so strong you wanna invite your best friends.
Once you understand and apply what I'm proposing you will absolutely be able to Create Your Desired Realities faster and with greater ease... It will become even more fun.
It will help you:
- Execute on your plans and goals
- Fulfill your purpose
- Bring to pass your vision and
- Accomplish your mission... sooner
You will see the creation process like you've never seen it before and it will become so simple and elementary. You'll be able to melt overwhelm at will. You’ll be stoked about your progress in each of the 7 areas of your life as we through life journey together.
I believe that soon after you join me you’ll conclude that you’d like to stay connected long term. Why?
To build the community, and help a growing number of people create their desired realities. When you help others make better decisions faster it fortifies, galvanizes and solidifies your ability to make better decisions faster literally... I guarantee it!
Committed to your becoming more and more decisive, creative and productive and fulfilled.
Here's How To Order Right Now
So go ahead and click the orange "Sign Me Up!" Button now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!
To your success,
CJ Wit
Life is too short to hesitate on learning how to Create Your Desired Reality. Take action so you can Expand Your Capacity to Create Your Desired Reality Today! Act now before the price goes up!
Every tip, strategy, and technique that I share with you in this All-Access Pass is a PROVEN winner. I use every one of them in real personally world situations, and I know they can work for you, too. Remember you have a 100% satisfaction guarantee - if you're not happy, YOU DON'T PAY. This is truly 100% risk free offer.